Join us for a discussion with two of our community's experts on AI, technology and how it relates to our faith. This is set to be a robust and enlightening conversation not to be missed!
About Rabbi Dr Danny Schiff:
Rabbi Dr. Danny Schiff is the Gefsky Community Scholar at the Jewish Federation of Greater Pittsburgh. He splits his year between his home in Jerusalem and Pittsburgh. He is the author of “Abortion in Judaism” and “Judaism in a Digital Age.” Danny grew up in Melbourne and is a former rabbi of TBI.
About Gideon Kowadlo:
25+ years bringing emerging technologies to life in areas from Robotics to Mobile to Bio-inspired AI. Gideon co-founded Outware in 2009, which quickly grew to become Australia’s leading app developer before its acquisition by Arq Group in 2017. With a PhD in Robotics, he’s currently Director at Cerenaut, supervising fundamental research at the intersection of Neuroscience and AI, as well as Director/CTO of Atidia, building AI clinical decision support systems to minimise surgical risk and improve health outcomes.