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Beit Sefer Chayim


Meaningful Jewish Education, accessible to all Jewish young people

Temple Beth Israel and Etz Chayim Progressive Synagogue are excited to continue partnering together for 2025, with Beit Sefer Chayim, an after-school youth education program for primary-school aged students in Prep-Grade 5.

Our after-school program, Beit Sefer Chayim, the School of (Jewish) Life, offers students from across Melbourne multiple to learn the Jewish calendar, Torah, values, rituals, languages and more, through the teachings of Progressive Judaism. 

Beit Sefer Chayim (BSC) will:

     - Run Tuesdays in St Kilda, 4:30-6pm (Bus departs Etz Chayim at 4pm and returns at 6.30pm)
     - Be open for students (members of either congregation and non-members)

Term 1 begins Tuesday 4 February 2025 - 1 April 2025

Term 2 begins Tuesday 22 April 2025 - 24 June 2025

Term 3 begins Tuesday 22 July 2025 - 16 September 2025

Term 4 begins Tuesday 21 October 2025- 9 December 2025

Tuition is $235 per student, per term, for members of Temple Beth Israel or Etz Chayim Progressive Synagogue,
and $285 per student, per term, for non-members.

To join our program, please complete the enrollment form below.
If you are interested to hear more or have any questions, please contact TBI via email or call on (03) 9510 1488.

Enrolment Form 

Beit Sefer Chayim - New Student Enrolment Form


If you have attended TBI Tamid or Beit Sefer Chayim/UJEB at Etz Chayim in the past, please select no.

Section A: Family Contact Information

Please complete the follow details for the primary parent/guardian contact

If there is a secondary contact, all emails and mailings will go to both contacts. In case of urgent need, the primary contact will be notified first
Section B: Emergency Contact Details

Are there any other people (grandparents or other) that you would like us to include on our regular communications about our programs?
Section C: Student Enrollment Information
Student 1 Information
Information will not be shared publicly. Parents/Guardians will be copied on all communication to students.
Information will not be shared publicly. Students will not be contacted independently from parents/guardians.

Please describe any specific learning needs for your child. If you wish to discuss your child's needs, please contact Caroline Paz via email: 

Does your child have allergies or medications we need to know about?
Please describe allergies and medications with dosage and timing.
Student 2 Information
Information will not be shared publicly. Parents/Guardians will be copied on all communication to students.
Information will not be shared publicly. Students will not be contacted independently from parents/guardians.

Please describe any specific learning needs for your child. If you wish to discuss your child's needs, please contact Caroline Paz via email: 

Does your child have allergies or medications we need to know about?
Please describe allergies and medications with dosage and timing.
Student 3 Information
Information will not be shared publicly. Parents/guardians will be copied on all communication to students.
Information will not be shared publicly. Students will not be contacted independently from parents/guardians.

Please describe any specific learning needs for your child. If you wish to discuss your child's needs, please contact Caroline Paz via email: 

Does your child have allergies or medications we need to know about?
Please describe allergies and medications with dosage and timing.
Student 4 Information
Information will not be shared publicly. Parents/guardians will be copied on all communication to students.
Information will not be shared publicly. Students will not be contacted independently from parents/guardians.

Please describe any specific learning needs for your child. If you wish to discuss your child's needs, please contact Caroline Paz via email: 

Does your child have allergies or medications we need to know about?
Please describe allergies and medications with dosage and timing.
Section D: Media Release

From time to time your child’s photo may be taken during our programs, services and special events.  We use these photos in the synagogue newsletters, on our synagogues websites as well as our Facebook groups and other publicity materials.

Section E: Payment Information

You may wish to enrol your child/ren for multiple terms this year. Please select the total number of terms, per student below and check the Total Tuition Fee at the bottom to ensure accurate enrolment and payment.

   TBI Member Tuition Fees ($235/term, per student)
   TBI Non-Member Tuition Fees ($285/term, per student)
   Etz Chayim Member Tuition Fees ($235/term, per student)
   Etz Chayim Non-Member Tuition Fees ($285/term, per student)Tuition fees for TBI or Etz Chayim Members is $235 per term, per student
Tuition fees for Non-Members of either congregation are $285 per term, per student

You may wish to enrol your child/ren for multiple terms this year. Please select the total number of terms, per student below and check the Total Tuition Fee at the bottom to ensure accurate enrolment and payment.
Term Tuition fees are required to confirm enrolment.


Tue, 4 March 2025 4 Adar 5785