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Pastoral Care Volunteer Training

Wednesday, 6 March, 2024 26 Adar I 5784

1:00 PM - 3:00 PMTemple Beth Israel

Volunteer Pastoral Care is based on the conviction we are all engaged in a journey in life which may be named as “spiritual”.  Learn how best to support those in need of pastoral care.

Based on the Healthcare Chaplaincy Council of Victoria curriculum, you will:

  • receive certification to be a volunteer pastoral carer in hospitals and nursing homes.
  • learn to listen attentively and identify emotional states.
  • bring faith and spirituality to the fore as people reckon with meaning in their lives.

Free for All. Registration required.

Classes on Wednesdays 1-3pm:

March 6,13, 20, 27

April 3, 10


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Sat, 8 February 2025 10 Sh'vat 5785